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Mar 21, 2024



OVER THE LAST YEAR we have been running barista training programmes at hmp Springhill.

We are currently running monthly session and have trained over 50 guys so far.

an introduction to coffee.

We currently run monthly training sessions at HMP Sprinhill as part of their in house hospitality course.

These sessions involve a combination of both theory and practical based learning. We cover the basics of green coffee and coffee farming before moving on to espresso and extraction, with plenty of time to taste and talk about the coffee. Finally we move on to steaming and pouring milk, this is always a highlight!

Running latte art competitions as part of the training brings a healthy level of competition and gives the guys a real sense of achievement!

this is just the start.

After completing these training sessions, those who are keen to develop their skills further will have the opportunity to complete a more in depth course.

With this qualification, guys will be in a great position to apply for a job in the coffee industry post release.

Out of the guys we have trained so far, all have enjoyed the sessions, with a number expressing an interest in developing their skills further.

I would be very happy to develop my skills further, especially in roasting and different coffee bean varieties.

giving everyone the opportunity to never re-offend.

This is at the heart of what NewGround is and stands for. It’s exciting to see this part of the business growing. And with an Impact Coordinator now on the team there is definitely more exciting things to come.

Stay tuned.